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until approximately 10 miles from their day time track. During this period ships should continue zigzagging whenever visibility is less than 2 miles. A prudent precaution, to assist a single ship to present a more difficult target for either a Raider or U-Boat.

Detmers was able to identify this ship as a Tanker in ballast. At a range of 4 miles he fired star shells to illuminate the enemy ship, then opened fire, straddling the target with his third salvo (to straddle a target, means that shells from a salvo bracket the target, falling both short and over.)

A distress call was heard:- "RRRR British Union shelled, 26 degrees 24 minutes North, 30 degrees 58 minutes West."

Fire was checked, but the Tanker responded with 4 rounds fired from her stern gun, "Kormoran" once more opened fire, now setting the stem section of the Tanker ablaze, her crew left their ship, 28 being saved, whilst 17 of their shipmates perished.

SKL had read this distress message broadcast by the "British Union" and now told "Kormoran" to meet "Nordmark," and hand over the U-Boat stores and torpedoes she carried on board prior to departing for the Indian Ocean. Detmers was also instructed to keep clear of "Thor's" arena of action, he was to stay North of the equator, whilst their fellow Raider would stay below this demarcation line. Both were now in the Atlantic Ocean.

A large ship was sighted dunng the afternoon of the 29th. of January at 7.5 miles, "Kormoran" just quietly proceeded, allowing the ship to come to them. At 1330 (1.30 PM) Detmers opened fire - the enemy sent off an alarm signal, turned away, but soon stopped, and her crew left their ship. It was the "Afric Star" carrying almost 6,000 tons of meat from South America to Britain. The 72 crew and 2 women and 2 men as passengers were all taken on board the Raider.

Slowly the "Afric Star' sank, assisted by fire from the 37mm gun, a torpedo, and 5.9 inch shells. "Kormoran' decide to quickly vacate the scene, as the distress message had been repeated by vessels close by. A Raider could "Live" or "Die" through the medium of a distress signal being jammed on transmission, stopped from being sent at all, or in fact the ship being attacked daring to send out her frantic warning, and being helped by the sudden arrival of a friendly Warship, that happened to be in the close vicimty.

Throughout the total war, luck played a huge part in ones survival, was it fate that brought you in contact with an enemy Raider or hostile Submarine? or decided that your course and speed, where you happened to be on the Ocean's surface at any particular point in time meant you avoided the lurking danger of such a threat. To arrive at the intended destination was always a bonus for both ship, and her company.

A second victim was found after darkness had descended, at 3,200 yards Detmers used star shells to light up his target, then his larger guns to stop "Eurylochus" another British ship of 5,723 tons.

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